Monday, January 30, 2012

Movie Review: Quarantine 2: Terminal

Dark Things Quarterly, the magazine I was going to do movie reviews for has been closed down. So I thought I would just post the reviews I had done on here over the next few weeks. Here we go...

Quarantine 2: Terminal

The 2008 film Quarantine was remarkable in its…well, unremarkableness. I can tell you that I watched the movie, that I didn’t hate it, and that I didn’t like it. I think the movie was about a plague. That is about all I remember. The movie was neither good enough nor bad enough to for me to remember a single thing about it.
When I heard there was a sequel Quarantine 2: Terminal, I almost didn’t pick it up, mediocre horror just isn't my thing, but part of the product description pulled me in. This is what got me:

“…Now, aboard Flight 318, the first symptoms begin to show. As the infection begins to take root, innocent passengers suddenly transform into terrifying, bloodthirsty killers…”

It is pretty hard to resist terrifying, bloodthirsty killers. So I gave it a shot. To be honest I wasn’t expecting much but I was pleasantly surprised. Here is the how the movie graded out.


The plot was entertaining but was nothing extraordinary and can be completely summarized in those two lines of product description. A disease gets loose on a plane, the infected become crazy zombie-like killers. There were a couple of good scares and just enough action and gore to keep me entertained and watching. Grade: C+


Another thing that kept me watching was the filming of the movie. Director, John Pogue, did a nice job filming this one. So many directors these days are trying to be "unique" or "edgy" that it is nearly impossible to watch their movies. Quarantine 2 did not suffer from this problem. Grade: B


Finally no movie review is complete with mentioning the acting, the biggest pitfall of horror movies. I didn't recognize a single name but I did recognize a few faces, and my Google-fu tells me that many of the actors have also been in an episode or two of TV shows that I watch. No on in this movie is going to win the Oscar for best actor, but they all did a good job. I thought most of the characters were believable and Mercedes Masohn has an awesome performance playing the freaked out, but determined, flight attendant, Jenny. Grade: B-

Overall Grade: B-

Summary: Quarantine 2: Terminal is no masterpiece but it is a fun and entertaining movie. See this one if you have nothing else to watch.

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