Not a whole lot to report this Sunday. I have been working on Blood Plague and A History of Blood. Something kind of interesting happened when I was writing the last chapter of A History of Blood, I wrote 3000 words in 45 minutes. I have no idea how that happened that is over 3 times as fast as it usually takes me to write something(about 1000 words/hour if I am into the story). It seemed like I couldn't get my fingers to move fast enough across the keyboard, it was really cool. I hope it starts a trend but I am not going to hold my breath. I have gotten 8000 words done in 12 days not bad considering I also did 5000 on Blood Plague.
I am going to try to try and focus more attention on Blood Plague, I really want to have it done before the Summer Reading Program starts at work. As soon as the program starts I will running programs everyday for six weeks, and last year I came home exhausted almost every day. Storytime for 50+ children is tiring, I only got 1000 words written during the entire six weeks. If I can get Blood Plague done then it will be perfect. I can set aside for six weeks and then start editing.
I got a couple of rejections this week for short stories, one of them was really nice. I have had a few form rejections from the market and then in this one they say that they really liked the story and hoped to see more from me, it just didn't fit the theme of their magazine.
I have been contacting artist for PHP, we have a whole new line up of novels and we need cover art, I found a couple of new people on the web and have tried to contact a couple of artists we have worked with before. We usually ask the authors what they had in mind for a cover, it is interesting what some of them come up with and they are all so passionate about what they want. I think it is always fun to get art for them.