My zombie story, A New Day, has been accepted by House of Horror. I was pretty excited about this acceptance. The story is almost a year old and has only been submited to two anthologies, one of which went out of business after holding the story for 200 days. The story has gotten two major edits and is nothing like the original.
This has reaffirmed my belief that every story can find a home. The summer reading program has started and the kick off party was a huge failure. Last year was the worst they ever had with only seventy kids showing up. This year we had twenty. It was a little depressing. I did everything to advertise that former children's librarians had. Including, articles in the newspaper, an apperance on the radio, vists to schools, a post on the local web news site, flyers and posters.
I think there was just too much going on on the day we picked to have the party. My boss seems to think I did not advertise it well enough, but I don't know what else I could have done.
So we are trying to "relaunch" the program with a whole new slew of advertising for the June 1st children's concert. I am also in the midst of plaining a "Prepare for the Eclipse" party for the teens. I am going to try to get licenseing to show Twilight, and New Moon a few days before Eclipse comes to the local theater.
So I think I am going to be really busy at work again. I did get another chapter in Godswar written, and I am almost done with my first short story in my novel about a place rather than characters. My working title for it is the Infinity Well. But I should proably google it to make sure it hasn't been used. It sounds like something from a comic book.